Step 1: Account
Step 2: Additional
Step 3: Personal
Step 4: Tax
Step 5: Review

Account Information

The technology for the Kohl’s, Inc. affiliate program is provided by Impact. Please fill out this form to complete your application.
If you already have an Impact account, please click the button below.

This is a Beta feature.

Enter your Company Name (or your name if an individual).


Please select your primary country / region of operation.

Please select the country-location of the bank where you plan to receive your withdrawals. You may change your bank location at any time once your account is set up. Your bank location determines the currencies that are available for payout and for financial reporting.

Payments will be sent in this currency. Financial content will be calculated and displayed in this currency. This setting is permanent and cannot be changed once the account has been approved to the platform.

This will be used for scheduling and reporting. WARNING: changing timezone will cause all reporting to be off that day and maybe previous or next.